#7: How quarantine can supercharge your dating life

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Today's episode of The Date Brazen Podcast is my actionable, uplifting love letter to everyone who has questions about dating in the age of corona. ⁠


What does this quarantine mean for my dating life? ⁠

What does this crazy time mean for my mental health?⁠ ⁠

How can I not let panic get to me? ⁠

Let’s take a deep breath. ⁠

Just because things are on hold doesn’t mean YOU are on hold. ⁠ ⁠

In this episode, I take you through three action steps to keep your life moving forward during this crazy season.

(And even how this could be the best season of your dating life from the comfort of your couch)

→ What to expect from today’s episode:

  • “Coronavirus is freaking me out. Does it make sense to be dating?” Essentially, it’s ok to take a break - no matter what the situation is, it’s ok to take a break. 

  • Rather than feeling guilty about not “actively dating”, why not view it as the universe is giving you a break?

  • If you’re still looking to actively meet people and continue dating, I’ve got your back.

  • Either way, your successful dating life is built in the off-season.

  • Active dating is so important, but this time is SO valuable to realize what boundaries you need to set, where you need to be spending your heart time, how you’re taking care of yourself.

  • Learning how to healthfully manage your stress right now will ultimately serve the relationship you desire to be in.

  • If you feel anxiety surrounding your thoughts about the corona situation, that’s totally ok. It’s ok to move through your feelings, since putting them off will just delay handling them.

→  3 Things You Can Do

#1: Become your own thought warrior

  1. Think about it this way, “How is this moment happening FOR you?”

  2. As your thoughts are rolling around in your head, it’s time to notice what you’re thinking and to feel your feelings.

  3. Acknowledge what’s in the room, and write down your thoughts.

  4. I love what Brook Castillo says about how the brain reacts to danger— it’s doing it’s job by reacting to the dangerous news. It’s just that your brain is not equally interested in the thought that you’re fine.

  5. Listen to the episode to hear how you can become a thought warrior!

Remember: just because things are on hold, it doesn’t mean that YOU are on hold.

#2: Set the boundaries

To protect your heart-time right now, you’ve got to do the boundary prep work.

  1. First, identify your boundary triggers.

  2. Then, make a proactive plan to protect your time and heart.

  3. For example, snooze alerts on text threads that stress you out so you can respond in your own time.

  4. Limit your social media and news exposure with screen time limits, and then pour an equal amount of time into something that fills your spirit.

  5. Listen to the episode to learn what your compassion cap is.

You get to be your own superhero. You get to serve yourself AND others well.

#3: Create an intention and a plan

Now that you’ve changed your mindset and set boundaries, it’s time to gather an intention and plan.

  1. How can this moment be FOR you and your dating life?

  2. Remember, your best dating life is built in the off season.

→ Get your Guide to Amazing Virtual Dates!

Join us on Friday, March 27th for a free masterclass+party for your guide to amazing virtual dates!

This free masterclass will give you the tools to find and go on amazing dates from the comfort of your couch, while you gain the clarity you need to move your dating life forward. 

Yes, we’re indoors. Yes, things are crazy. 

And just because things outside are on hold does not mean that YOU are on hold. 

A joyful dating life is possible, even in this age of coco-vi. And I want to help you get there.


#8: How to be well in a season of hard feelings with Helanah


#6: How to curb your freak out with self-compassion with Megan Saxelby