#3: Why self-love (and bragging) are essential to your dating life

Episode 1 (1).png

Hello gorgeous friend,

Growing up in Alabama, I was told that bragging (especially for women) was “unbecoming” and rude. After a tough experience (which I share in this episode), I realized that bragging was the key to supercharging my self-love strategy.

I’m going to share why bragging is essential to finding a great relationship, plus the practical self-love exercise you can use!

Here’s a breakdown of today’s episode:

  • What if you you approached your dating life while clearly knowing exactly why you’re awesome? How would it change your attitude towards dating?

  • Knowing why you love yourself and what you’re bringing to the table is essential to finding your next great relationship.

  • I recommend trying the “20 in 2 Challenge” (download it here!) - set a timer for two minutes and write out at least twenty things that you love about yourself.

Here are three ways to use this 20 in 2 Challenge to supercharge your dating life:

  1. Practice it before swiping to center yourself and realign your mindset: you are awesome and so deserving of extraordinary love.

  2. Try it before a date— this takes the energy from a place of judgement, to a place of curiosity. You’ll know why you’re amazing, and you can get curious about what’s on your date’s list of 20 things!

  3. Try it every day this week just because! Practicing this challenge is like expressing gratitude towards yourself.


Here’s the 20 in 2 challenge - for the next seven days, grab a journal and pen, set a timer for two minutes and write out at least 20 things that you love about yourself. Most people find it a hard to do it at first, but I promise you - this will change your dating life completely.

Get the
Self-Love Challenge Guide

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    #4: Live Coaching Session | How to find love without a dating app


    #2: How to move on from your ex AND find the best relationship of your life